Monday, March 28, 2011

man it up monday!

okay guys! here's monday's post. :)  now, if you know me, well, in irl, then you know that i can't help but buy lots of nail polish! i swear it's a problem.  so, in order to use it to some good, and get my sister off my back about getting 'too many' (though i don't think that's really possible), i've decided to save a day to have a little fun and share the color of the week with you. :)
okay, okay, i do have to admit that at times i have 2 colors of the week. but once it starts chipping, it's time to change it up!  so here is what i want to do. i'll post picks of the colors, and what they look like on. sometimes i do crazy designs. so those can be here as well. and then i'll probably mention if i like how it worked, went on, yadda yadda...but otherwise, just a little splash of color to start the week of right. :)

 so here are the contestants this week.

this is opi's not like the movies. it's part of the katy perry line that just came out.
and this is china glaze's towel boy toy. not gonna lie, this is probably my favorite blue i have. :3
 what i did was put 2 coats of the blue on, and then a layer of the opi.  the blue by itself is soo pretty. but i had on the opi color, and i felt it would be a great add on to another color. so, i put it on top and got this. it's hard to tell in the picture, but if you move from side to side the top coat almost gives the blue a purple hue at one angle and the a green at the other. i won't lie. i think it's pretty awesome.

now as for how the colors went on...  the blue, though one of my favorite shades, has a satin finish to it. so if you are looking to have a shiny final coat, don't plan on it. you have to have a top coat that gives it that.  the opi color has the typical shiny finish to it, and alone is a nice color. just as a side note, i always use a base and clear top coat. i use cnd's sticky and speedy. great base and top.

overall, the application was pretty good. they aren't messy colors. trust me, some are SO messy.  but the formula keeps the paint thick enough to go from brush to nail without really leaking all over your fingers. always a nice treat. haha  would i do this combo again? yup. but, i don't think i have worn the same nail polish in a couple of months. but, doing this will kinda make me go back and show what i have before going out and buying more... maybe ;)

until next time

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